libvirt http interface
This is the complete list of members for virt::StorageVol, including all inherited members.
createXML(StoragePool &pool, gsl::czstring<> xmlDesc, CreateFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inlinestatic |
createXMLFrom(StoragePool &pool, gsl::czstring<> xmlDesc, const StorageVol &clonevol, CreateFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inlinestatic |
delete_(DeleteFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
download(Stream &strm, unsigned long long offset, unsigned long long length, DownloadFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getConnect() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getInfo() const noexcept-> std::optional< Info > | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getInfo(InfoFlag flags) const noexcept-> std::optional< Info > | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getKey() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getName() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getPath() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getPool() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
getXMLDesc() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
operator bool() const noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inlineexplicit |
operator=(const StorageVol &) noexcept=delete | virt::StorageVol | |
operator=(StorageVol &&) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
resize(unsigned long long capacity, ResizeFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
StorageVol() noexcept=default | virt::StorageVol | |
StorageVol(const StorageVol &) noexcept=delete | virt::StorageVol | |
StorageVol(StorageVol &&) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
StorageVol(virStorageVolPtr ptr) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inlineexplicit |
upload(Stream &stream, unsigned long long offset, unsigned long long length, UploadFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
wipe() noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
wipePattern(WipeAlgorithm algorithm) noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |
~StorageVol() noexcept | virt::StorageVol | inline |