libvirt http interface
This is the complete list of members for virt::StoragePool, including all inherited members.
build(BuildFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
create(CreateFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
createXML(Connection &conn, gsl::czstring<> xml, CreateFlag flags) | virt::StoragePool | inlinestatic |
defineXML(Connection &conn, gsl::czstring<> xml) | virt::StoragePool | inlinestatic |
delete_(DeleteFlag flags) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
destroy() noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
extractAllVolumes() const | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getAutostart() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getConnect() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getInfo() const noexcept-> std::optional< Info > | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getName() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getUUID() const -> std::optional< std::array< unsigned char, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN >> | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getUUIDString() const noexcept-> std::optional< std::array< char, VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN >> | virt::StoragePool | inline |
getXMLDesc() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
isActive() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
isPersistent() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
listAllVolumes() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
listVolumesNames() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
numOfVolumes() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
operator bool() const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inlineexplicit |
operator=(const StoragePool &) noexcept=delete | virt::StoragePool | |
operator=(StoragePool &&) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
refresh() noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
setAutostart(bool autostart) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
StoragePool() noexcept=default | virt::StoragePool | |
StoragePool(const StoragePool &) noexcept=delete | virt::StoragePool | |
StoragePool(StoragePool &&) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
StoragePool(virStoragePoolPtr ptr) noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inlineexplicit |
undefine() noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
volLookupByName(gsl::czstring<> name) const noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |
~StoragePool() noexcept | virt::StoragePool | inline |